Old Age is a term which we normally take as a frightening aspect of life. This is due to the fact that old age, along with it, brings about a number of physical and mental problems. These are due to the physiological changes that take place at old age. There is deterioration in the physical organs as well as cellular activity of the body.
Along with these deteriorations comes a major disorder that is mostly found in elderly persons. This is the problem of sleeplessness. Most persons find it difficult to have a normal sleep as age takes over.
It is absolutely essential to have a proper sleep which can restore the physical and mental well-being of individuals.
It is found that these sleep disturbances are normally due to a number of factors that are linked with ageing process. The most common factors can be due to physical illness, diseases or side effects of medicines. A sleep disturbance causes feeling of tiredness and exhaustion in elderly people. This can bring about very serious effect at their age as it is directly related to leading a confused state of mind as well as difficulty in concentration during daytime.
Causes of Sleeplessness:
· Elderly people are more prone to have a disturbed sleep at the slightest noise or disturbances.
· As discussed above, sleeplessness may be due to the medicines that they take for various disorders which may disrupt the sleeping process.
· Many elders have the habit of taking naps in the daytime. This may bring about disturbance in sleep during the night when it is actually needed.
· Studies have also revealed that most elders have some kind of disorders like cold, cough or severe asthma which tend to prop up while they try to sleep. These may be due to allergies or sinus problems. This may cause disturbance in the sleeping process.
· Also, many elders have disorders related to urinary infections or have to go frequently to the toilet. This disrupts their sleep which, once disturbed, is very hard to regain.
· Sleep Apnea is a disorder which is commonly seen in elders. In this, there is a blockage of the airway as one sleeps. This causes breathing problems and often awakening in the night gasping for air.
· Along with the above, pain can also be another factor for disturbing sleep in elders. It is normally found that osteoporosis or other bone disorders are quite common in elders. These may result in pain in joints causing the persons to stay awake during night.
· Other disorders may be associated with constipation, Parkinson disease, anxiety or depression.
· Prolonged medications related to sleeping may cause daytime drowsiness resulting in sleeplessness during night.
Treatment for Sleep Disturbance:
The following habits can be adhered to by the elders suffering from Sleep disorders:
· Make a routine time for going to sleep and awakening in the morning. Follow this routine very precisely.
· Try taking a hot bath before going off to sleep. Warm water helps in bringing a feeling of drowsiness.
· Make sure that your room is quite and peaceful and there are no disturbing noises or movements in the room. A comfortable room is the best option for sleeping. Switch off all the lights in the room. Make it dark and cozy.
· Avoid late night eating or heavy eating before going to bed. Try out a glass of warm milk before you sleep.
· Try using eye shades or ear plugs to ward off any noises or lights that can disturb your sleeping process.
· Avoid taking day time naps as they may be the main cause of this sleeplessness.
· Avoid alcohol or stimulants such as caffeine or tobacco well before sleeping.
· Leave your worry and stress before going to bed. Stop all the thinking process before sleeping. Stress is also a major cause for sleep disturbance in elders.
· Lastly, avoid taking sleeping pills or any other sleeping medications as it may be the perfect addiction for you. Try to get your sleep naturally.
These may be some of the best habits for getting that perfect sleep in the night for elders. Try out these methods and have some sweet dreams.