Monday, 13 February 2012

How to treat Dandruff the Ayurvedic Way

Many a times you feel an itchy feeling in your scalp.  This goes on increasing if you do not treat it in time.  If you scratch the part, you may find dry flakes coming out of the hair and scalp.  These flakes are called dandruff and it is one of the most common of hair disorders that one may find in many persons.  So what is dandruff?  It is a scalp disease  in which dead cells that are present on the scalp comes off after a period of time. This process is quite natural but if there is excessive dandruff infection, than it is a cause for concern as it may lead to other problems relating to facial skin, ears and eyes. 

Ayurveda has some prescribed some really good medicinal herbs to fight against dandruff. 
·        Neem (Azadirachta indica)  is the best remedy for dandruff treatment.  Neem oil is massaged on the scalp for several minutes each day.  On the other hand, Neem leaves can be boiled in hot water and then this mixture is cooled off and then placed on the scalp for around 30 minutes.  Neem has natural properties to prevent dandruff as well as its treatment.
·        Ayurveda has also prescribed Coconut oil as ingredient which can be useful for prevention and treatment of dandruff.  Coconut oil or even castor oil can be massaged on the scalp which reduces the shedding process of the dandruff as well as they make the hair strong as well as healthy.
·        Along with the above mentioned Coconut and Castor oils, Sandalwood oil can also be used for treatment of dandruff.  It has to be mixed with lemon juice and applied to the scalp. 
·        Indian gooseberry has been recommended for dandruff by Ayurveda.  This fruit is the ideal remedy for dandruff and for obtaining a healthy and shiny hair.  It is a natural shampoo and tonic for the hair.  It helps in reducing dandruff in a natural way.  For this the gooseberry curd is fermented for over three to four days and this curd is mixed with lemon juice and massaged to the scalp.
·        Egg is another natural remedy for dandruff problems.  Beat an egg and mix it with a little water.  Apply the lotion to the scalp for around 30 minutes and then wash it off. 
·        Many herbs are used in Ayurveda like Fenugreek seeds, Snake Gourd, Lime and Green Gram powder to fight against dandruff.  Curd is also prescribed.
·        Amla juice and lime juice are mixed and this mixture is applied to the scalp in the night before going to bed.
·        Add more green vegetables and fruits to your diet. A healthy body is the best prevention for dandruff.  Strong tea and coffee should be avoided along with processed foods.
·        Herbal hair pack consisting of henna powder, curd and ritha powder could be applied to the scalp to remove dandruff from the scalp. Keep it for 30 minutes and then wash it off. 
·        Aloe Vera is also very useful for prevention as well as reduction of dandruff and this has to be applied for a few days to remove dandruff.

Lastly it can be said that Ayurvedic treatment of dandruff is the most natural and effective way for treatment against dandruff.  The ingredients used by Ayurveda are natural as well as harmless and can be tried out without any fear of side-effects.  Try out these methods if you really have severe dandruff problems and you will be amazed by the results that you get.


1 comment:

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