Thursday, 22 March 2012


Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease is a disease of the stomach which is caused due to irritation or inflammation of the esophagus.  The cause of this is the backing up of the acid from the stomach.  The main function of the esophagus is to provide a channel for the food that is swallowed by you and this esophageal tube extends from your throat to the stomach.   
In the normal process, there is a ring of muscles at the bottom of the esophagus which is known as lower esophageal sphincter which prevents the backing up of the acid.  When the food is swallowed, this sphincter relaxes to allow to food to pass through, and tightens again after it is passed to prevent the opposite flow of the food.  With Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, the sphincter relax more than is needed and allows the stomach content along with the acids to back up which in turn damages the lining of the esophagus. 

This disorder is experienced by most 10% of the adults weekly or daily and it affects not only adults but children too at some stage. 

Causes of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
The most common candidates for GERD may be those who are obese, pregnant, or suffering from diseases such as diabetes, asthma or bronchitis. 

The causes of GERD can be due to a number of factors –
·        Bad habits such as smoking or poor posture (slouching) can be attributed to this disorder. 
·        Also a number of medications which include theophylline, nitrates or antihistamines which are known to be channel blockers can also be a cause of GERD.  Other medications include anticholinergics, beta-blockers or dopamine-active drugs. 
·        Faulty eating habits such as eating large meals or eating just before going to bed are also causes of GERD.   Along with this eating fatty goods or acidic foods such as tomatoes or citrus fruits or consuming spicy foods in large proportions can also be a cause of GERD. 
·        There are certain medical conditions such as discussed above which can be attributed to the cause of GERD. 
·        Hiatal Hernia, a disorder of the stomach protruding above the diaphragm can be a cause of GERD.

Symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
The symptoms of this disorder are Heartburn or burning pain in the chest.  This heartburn can be severe after having a meal or simply lying or bending down.  As your physical activity grows, this pain gains severity.  Along with this, there are the usual symptoms such as bitter taste in mouth, a persistent dry cough and a feeling of tightness in the throat along with wheezing.

Prevention of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
·        The best way to prevent Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease is to avoid foods that trigger off this heartburn. These are the foods mentioned above that include tomatoes, oranges, fatty and fried foods or excessive chocolates and spicy food.
·        Avoiding caffeine and mint foods in your daily diet. 
·        An overall change in your dietary pattern.  Try to eat small and healthy meals.
·        Banning smoking or excessive alcohol consumption.

There are various medications which are prescribed by the doctors for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease which can be taken on a daily basis. An Esophageal Mamometry test is normally conducted to verify the disorder. 

1 comment:

  1. Sir, this article is very interesting & useful too. so keep on publishing about health tips
